Drawing on our expertise and research, our faculty is dedicated to enabling students to use scientific approaches to discovery and understanding.
It defines the successes of students at 体育菠菜大平台, whether in the humanities, sciences, education, or business.
Curriculum at 体育菠菜大平台 is designed to be student-centered and intellectually challenging, while preparing students through field and internship experiences.
We provide value to Nebraska by preparing students to compete in dynamic professional environments and by promoting academic, social, technological and economic development.
Foundation Courses
Course Number | Course Name | Semester(s) offered | Credit Hours |
EDAD 831 | Social Foundations of Education | Fall & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 890 | Introduction to Educational Research | Spring & Summer | 3 |
Specialization Courses
Course Number | Course Name | Semester(s) offered | Credit Hours |
EDAD 843 | Practicum in Educational Administration | Fall & Spring | 3 |
EDAD 848 | Curriculum Planning | Spring & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 851 | Human Resource Management | Fall, Spring & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 853 | School Business Management | Spring & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 854 | Introduction to Educational Administration | Fall, Spring & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 855 | Supervision of Instruction | Fall & Spring | 3 |
EDAD 859 | Legal Basis of Education | Fall & Spring | 3 |
EDAD 869 | The Principalship | Spring & Summer | 3 |
Electives (6 hours) Selected with the consent of the advisor. View electives on the academic catalog website.
Required Courses
Course Number | Course Name | Semester(s) offered | Credit Hours |
EDAD 940 | Administrative Theory | Summer | 3 |
EDAD 944 | Seminar in Educational Administration | Spring | 3 |
EDAD 955 | The School Administrator and the Law | Fall | 3 |
EDAD 956 | School/Community Relations | Fall | 3 |
EDAD 957 | Public School Finance | Spring | 3 |
EDAD 958 | Educational Facility Plan | Summer | 3 |
EDAD 991 | Field Study | Fall, Spring & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 992 | Executive Administrator | Summer | 3 |
EDAD 998 | Internship | Fall, Spring & Summer | 3 |
Electives (3-6 hours) Selected with the consent of the advisor. View electives on the academic catalog website.
Prerequisite Courses
Course Number | Course Name | Semester(s) offered | Credit Hours |
TE 805P | Overview of Assistive Technology | Fall, Spring & Summer | 3 |
TESE 876P | Transitional Issues for Individuals with Disabilities | Summer | 3 |
Foundation Courses
Course Number | Course Name | Semester(s) offered | Credit Hours |
EDAD 831 | Social Foundations of Education | Fall & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 890 | Introduction to Educational Research | Spring & Summer | 3 |
Specialization Courses
Course Number | Course Name | Semester(s) offered | Credit Hours |
EDAD 833 | EDAD Assessment Leadership | Fall | 3 |
EDAD 842 | Administration of Special Education | Spring | 3 |
EDAD 848 | Curriculum Planning | Spring & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 851 | Human Resource Management | Fall, Spring & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 854 | Introduction to Educational Administration | Fall, Spring & Summer | 3 |
EDAD 855 | Supervision of Instruction | Fall & Spring | 3 |
EDAD 940 | Administrative Theory | Summer | 3 |
EDAD 956 | School/Community Relations | Fall | 3 |
EDAD 998 | Internship | Fall, Spring & Summer | 3 |
CSP 800 | Advanced Educational Psychology | Summer | 3 |